Dear you, How you are doing? Of course, you all doing great! But not for too long! Things changing, and soon you will be there to see your own kind extinct. The saddest truth is, you will be the first civilization who will have complete knowledge about extinct before going extinct. Sorry to start with such negativity, but that’s the fact. Apart from that, I have a piece of good news for you! The good news is that you will not be the first mankind to ever go extinct. It happened to your ancestors before. And it will happen to you too. It’s never too late to turn back. But be sure to turn back before it’s time. One more thing to say, don’t think you are destroying me because you are not! You are just walking towards your own extinction, I can rebuild myself once after you are extinct, like always I do. Don’t you remember! I did something which my siblings couldn’t, I covered myself to sustain a life within me. I am who I am before and after I cover myself. But you were not, you were just...
Everyone in the world tries find Happiness in their life. some people will find it, some people won't. Happiness is not something we can find by searching. Happiness is something we can find by realizing. Being happy makes time to flow like never before. One of the oldest way of begin happy is hearing stories from our grandparents especially from grandmother. One can replace her place in telling stories ! I found my Happiness in telling stories like her and I hope you guys will also find yours.