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Mine Is Different From Others

August was writing her diary about her school days, she loved being a student than a patient in a hospital. Those were her happiest days in her life.  She wrote, her first day in her school.  Though she was late for the school, she was saved by the bell man. She made many friends on her very first day. She had a lovely family and friends. She had a boyfriend and his name was John. They two really look like made for each other.

          She started cried while writing, because she started missing those happier days of her life. She was suffering from a mysterious blood disease. It was caused by some new viruses. She was the first one who was suffered from that type of disease. They found that, it was an air borne disease and they haven’t discovered any vaccines for that. She was the only one in that hospital, who kept isolated. She used to wear a plastic thing to cover her face. She was always observed behind a plastic screen. Nobody talks to her except her doctor and her nurse. She was been always alone in that hospital. Her one and only companion were her beautiful memories.  She was in there for past 6 years. People used to go away when she neared them. She even tried committing suicides, but she wasn’t lucky enough.

It was deadly virus and it kills everyone, who all infected. Only she survived it. Others couldn’t make it. She lost her parents and her friends in it. She lost every one, who she loved. The most painful was that, john went off with her best friend. It broke her into several pieces.

          Everyone in the hospital treats her like a human in the mars. That’s why she never came out of her room. Her only entertainment was the children. One day she heard from them, which were a boy named Sri was selected for an internship. She was also eagerly waited to see him like others in the hospital.

          She was fooled by the administration. Because they gave him some paper works instead of care taking. The administration gave him the children ward duty after a week of doing paper works. He wasn’t too good at managing them but he was better than they thought. He used to play guitar for them every evening. It made them happy. He was very good at guitar. The children loved his music and he made them to fall for his music.  

          On a beautiful evening, August was worried about being lonely. She started sharing her worries with arising moon. On that time Sri played his guitar and he sang his very own song, his voice and his music robbed her heart from her loneliness. It wiped her tears and it took her to him. She started floating in the song with joy. For a moment she just forgot her loneliness, her disease, her worries and her loss. Actually she even started dancing without knowing.

          From that day, she also started falling for his guitar like others in the hospital. It actually cured her from her loneliness. Whenever he plays it, she goes to the corner of her room and started falling for it.

          One day Sri saw her for the first time, while she was dancing for his song. He just stood outside silently enjoyed her. When doing a turn in the dance she saw him that he was staring at her, she ran and hid behind the bed. He tried to enter into the room but the nurse warned him and asked him to leave.

          After a week of observation, he realized that she was suffering from loneliness than her disease. And he started spending time with her and even sang for her. Sometimes they sang together. They became very good friends. She started to forget her past and started loving the present. Truth was that she started loving herself when she was with him.

          He asked her to dance for him while he playing his guitar. She accepted to dance. He played and she danced. It was a heavenly performance. He recorded it and he planned it to gift her someday. They were good together. August felt that she wasn’t lost anymore, she started to believe him. After the dance he offered his lunch to her.

Sri visited the RED room to know about August. RED room was where they keep reports and records about their patients, where he found that she was also like him that she to have no parents. And he found that her birthday was in a week.  He planned many things for her birthday. Fortunately he got the night shift on that day.

It was 10 p.m. he went to check the ward for everyone had left or not.  After conforming that nobody was there, he turned off the light.

August saw a candle was moving towards her. She was confused about what was happening there. When the candle neared her, she saw a man carrying something on his hands. And she heard a recorded voice of her parents, which was recorded on her first birthday. She started to cry and the man entered into her room and started singing the birthday song.  She even hasn’t identified that man. Then the man turned on the lights. She finally could see him clearly, it was Sri and he was wearing the same plastic to cover his head as she did. Sri was carrying a birthday cake and it was named as “August (God’s Gift)”. She had no words to say except her tears. He requested her cut the cake as soon as possible because he was in hungry. He asked her to remove her mask. She refused to do it. After having a little conversion, she removed it. He took a piece a cake and feed her. Her pupils dilated and her tears touched her bottom chin. He saved them from dropping in the ground. He placed his hand on her chins and wiped her tears. She found a peace in the warmness of his hands. He went near to kiss her but she intruded it by talking something else.

He brought a gift for her, she opened it and it was guitar. She was in something that she never left before. It neither happiness nor sadness, it was something different. He taught her a song on that guitar. She felt complete when she was with him. He asked her to get dressed. After she dressed, he took her outside from the back gate. He took her to his house and they prepared dinner for them. They were good together. After having a dinner, he took her in a boat to the mid of the lake. Where he removed her mask and requested her breath the fresh air. In the time of sun arise, he kneeled before her and said,

“I say confidently that my life was beautiful and meaning when you are in it. I want you to fill happiness in my life with your smile. I want you to be mine, in every second of my life which I’m going to live. I will not torture you with my sadness and anger. I want to do it with my love. Will you give a chance to torture you! I promise, It won’t hurt that much.

You’re mine and will you take me as yours?”

She answered with her tears. Before it goes down to chicks, her lips went to his lips. She was warmed by his lovely arms.

Suddenly his watch ranged. She asked that why was that ranging. He said that it was time for he want place her back in her room. They ran as fast as they could. She reached her room before the first rounds. She asked him that how they escaped from the cameras. He said that he replaced yesterday’s feed instead of today’s feed. Literally they went invisible from the camera. And he left her in her room with a cute flying kiss. She waited to see him in evening. But he doesn’t came. He was disappeared for two days. She started blaming her that she killed him. She was depressed. Her health went critical. They took her to ICU and they announced that she was in need of blood transfer. A nurse went to the hospital’s blood bank and took a pair of AB- blood. After the blood transfer, she showed some improvements. When she opened her eyes, Sri was near to her. she slapped him and asked where was  past two days. He said that he had a little fever. He kissed her in her forehead and took her hand to his heart and said,

“I will not leave until this stops, even if it does I will keep torture you eternally.”

She smiled and he said that she had a beautiful smile. Her health showed a constant progress after the blood transfer. Constantly and steadily but slowly, she was curing. Doctors were surprised to see those improvements. They thought that the blood which was transferred to her, must contains some natural antibody for that antigen. They tested her blood sample and compared with her previous samples and confirmed it. Doctors came to a conclusion that they could cure her by separating that antibody from the transferred blood. They gave hope to August and Sri that she could live a happier life if they convinced the donor to donate few more units.  They called Sri and asked to search for the donor.

Sri convinced that donor to help him to retain his love from a curse. And he returned to the hospital with that donor. Doctors collected another unit of blood form the donor and thanked him. Sri dropped him home and thanked him.

Doctors started the process as soon as they got the samples. After doing some late night research, but they doesn’t found the same antibody in the donor’s blood. They were confused about the antibody.

While watching the security footage Sri found an error which was made by the nurse while picking the blood. She picked someone else’s blood instead of the actual one. Fortunately he got the over cover of that blood which was injected into her. He searched for the serial number in hospital’s database. The result was shocking to him. He found that the blood, belong to Sri Oliver which was him and It was his blood.

It reminded him his father. He remembered that when he was 10, he was suffering from some kind brain disease. He was nearly sentenced to death on that time his father injected a bio healer into him, which was saved him. His father was a senior scientist on a project called Bio-Healer. He was developing it for the solders. It was very confidential. His father was arrested and sentenced to death for stealing that secret formula of Bio-healer from the laboratory.

He went his grave and showed him his respect. He thanked him for saving his love. And he asked him to bless him.

Sri went to the hospital and convinced the doctors by telling what was actually happened on that day. They collected samples from him and separated that antibody. They promised him that they could cure his love from that curse. They gave her the antibody and they hoped for the best. But suddenly her health went to critical. Doctors said that they would do anything to keep their promise alive but everything was in her hands. She must fight her own fight. She struggled as possible as she could. But her heart beat was slowing down. Doctors called Sri to be with her in her last minutes. They warned him that though she could make it, still there would be some consequences.

He hold her hands and started begging her to come back. She felt the warmness of his tears. He reminded her, their first kiss, the promise she made to him and the days of unlimited happiness. He never stopped begging her.  He said,

“I never asked anything from you, but today I want something from you.

I want you and please come back. Don’t leave me alone in this world. I don’t want to live in the world of love without my love.”

On that moment, he saw that her heart rate was decreasing steadily. He took his guitar and started playing his favorite song. He sang,

“Say something, I’m giving up on you

I’ll be the one, if you want me to

Anywhere, I would’ve followed you

Say something, I’m giving up on you

And I feeling so small

It was over my head

I know nothing at all

And I will stumble, and fall

I’m still learning to love

Just starting crawl


He couldn’t continue that song. He just stood up and kissed her on her chick. He couldn’t leave he felt something was dragging him back. He wore her, a ring which symbolize that she was engaged. She stopped him on his way out by calling his name “JOHN”. He smiled.


Song: Say something, I’m giving upon you

Artist: A Great Big World.


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