Previously on Happy Birthday Stranger Kabir took two plates of egg and cheese sandwich with a glass full of apple juice and sat in the opposite to Stella. He offered a plate and a glass to her. But she never stop asking the questions. Kabir took two letters from his pocket and slide them towards her. “She had an accident the other morning” his voice went low. “I’m sorry” she regret. “It’s OK! She was always playful while walking in the road. That day Rahul invited her for a coffee. While crossing the road in front of the cafĂ©, her eyes was in Rahul and it was on the truck.” Kabir said in his low voice. Stella took his hands into hers. “I rushed there as soon as I heard. Rahul was feeling worried with lots of tears in his eyes. As soon as he saw me he hugged me tight. I calmed him and went to the doctor. The doctor said, “She had few fractures and a minor clot in her head and we are can to clear it by giving medicines. If it doesn’t show any improvements then ...
Everyone in the world tries find Happiness in their life. some people will find it, some people won't. Happiness is not something we can find by searching. Happiness is something we can find by realizing. Being happy makes time to flow like never before. One of the oldest way of begin happy is hearing stories from our grandparents especially from grandmother. One can replace her place in telling stories ! I found my Happiness in telling stories like her and I hope you guys will also find yours.